Global Learning Initiatives for
the Development of Engineers
the Development of Engineers
Kirsten A. Davis, Ph.D.
Principal Investigator |
GLIDE Research Group Mission
Davis, K. A., & Knight, D. B. (2025). Exploring how personal and program characteristics inform the experiences of engineering students abroad. Journal of Engineering Education, 114(1), Online.
Özkan, D. S., Davis, K. A., Davis, J. C., Deters, J., & Murzi, H. (2024). Fostering systems thinking through engineering study abroad programs. European Journal of Engineering Education, 1–26.
This three year, NSF-funded project will explore the impact of global experiences during and after the undergraduate years on global career outcomes, such as career choices, global engineering competency development, and global job responsibilities. We are conducting a multiple-case study of three long-running global engineering programs and have so far carried out our Phase 1 data collection surveying alumni of global programs and a comparison group of alumni who did not participate in global programs as undergraduates. Read more at the website linked below!